I help feed her when mommy and daddy are busy. I still can't burp her but I will someday.. I talk to her when she is getting her diaper changed.
I take my naps with her in her crib.
Emma likes to sit in my spiderman chair in my bedroom.
Hunter and his baby sister he is so excited and so protective of her already. Good morning!Hunter meeting his sister for the first time.
Love you sister Emma..
Here is my friend Kade and his mommy Aunt Crystal they all came over to see my baby sister. They also brought us dinner. It was so yummy. Thank you!Great Grandma and Grandpa at the hospital.
Lillie and her mommy and daddy came over and had Pizza with us.
Here is my great grandma she is the best. We love her so much.
Uncle Brian and Aunt Stephanie came to the hospital to see Emma.Grandma DeeDee and great grandma...
Grandma GiGi and Emma. Emma came 9 minutes before midnight. This made grandma GiGi very happy because now they have the same birthday. So Nov. 11 is an extra special day for these two girls. We love you GiGi.
Papa and Emma.
Mimi and Emma.
Uncle came over to see Emma. I love my uncle so much. Aunt Joyce and cousin Jennifer came to the hospital to see baby Emma.
Sherri and Lindsey came to the hospital.
Here is my Auntie she is the best we love her so much.
Here is the delivery room crew. It's getting close! Only a few hours away till baby Emma is here.Hubby and me! Love you..Big brother Hunter our nurse Bailey made him a hospital band like his mommy so everyone would know who he is..He is so excited.
There is my sweet boy making sure his mommy is okay.
Today I took my big boy painting. He picked out a Christmas ornament for our tree. Little did we know later on that night he would be a big brother.His buddy Carson came too.
Stephanie and me. Thank you for being such a great friend...Love you!
Amanda, Ellyn (mom) and me.
My cousin Jennifer, Aunt Joyce, and cousin Amanda. Thank you so much for coming.
My mom and sister. Love you guys so much.
My grandma, cousin Theresa, cousin Laurie and Aunt Darcy.
My Nana came all the way from Texas. I am so glad she was there.
Lindy and Ashley. The basket they made was so cute..
Grandma Sconce, Aunt Terri and Robin(mom), thank you for such a beautiful shower. It was a very special day I will always remember. Love you.
Kristi, Laurie, Stephanie, Crystal and Mindy thank you all for coming to share such a special day with me. Love you guys...